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Privacy Policy

By browsing this site you consent and accept that the information collected about you may be used and disclosed in accordance with our privacy policy and our terms of use. As the law may require or allow, this information may be transferred, processed and stored in France and in Europe. If you do not agree to these terms, then we urge you not to access, browse or register on this site.

Personal data

Personal data means any information about you that you provide to us when using the site, for example when you create a user account. This data can include without limitation your name, first name, pseudo, sex, year of birth and profession.

The personal data concerning you and collected by IFPR/E-LEARNING belong to you. This data is protected and not disseminated in accordance with French law.

Usage data

Usage data is the data collected by the site concerning its uses. This is raw data, completely anonymized, used to produce statistics on the use of the site's services, and whose analysis makes it possible to improve the services and functionalities of the site.

We collect information when you create a user account, participate in online courses, participate in our forums, our wiki, etc.

We may record the IP address, operating system and browser used by each user of the site. Various tools are used to collect this information.

Usage data is used :

  • To track attendance, both individual and overall, of the progress and completion of an online course and to analyze statistics on learner performance and how they learn ;
  • To detect violations of the user charter, the way of using the Site as well as fraudulent or potentially fraudulent use ;
  • To publish information, but not personal data, collected by IFPR/E-LEARNING on the access, use, impact and performance of learners ;
  • To archive this information and / or use it for future communications with you;
  • In order to maintain and improve the operation and security of the Site and our software, systems and networks.

Management of personal data and usage data

Purposes of data collection

The data collected is used to ensure the delivery of the services offered by IFPR/E-LEARNING: access and registration to the courses distributed on the site, exchanges between the teaching team and the learners, sending of information proactively, issuance of certificates and attestations, exchanges peer to peer, etc.

This data may also be used to send you updates on online courses offered by IFPR/E-LEARNING or other events, to communicate about IFPR/E-LEARNING or affiliate products or services, to send you emails about maintenance, or updates or for our newsletters.

Dissemination of collected data

The personal data concerning you collected on our platform are intended for IFPR/E-LEARNING 's own use and may be transmitted to subcontracting companies which IFPR/E-LEARNING may call upon in the context of the execution of its services. This includes the information you send us as well as any transaction through the operation of the site.

Comments and other information that you post in our forums, wikis or other areas of the site designed for public communications may be viewed and downloaded by other visitors to the site. For this reason, we encourage you to use your discretion before posting any information that could be used to identify you on these forums or other public or course-reserved places.

Responsible for processing the data collected

The person responsible for processing personal data is :


97, allée Maurice Ravel

45160 Olivet

The duration of the conversation

Personal data is kept for a period of three years from the user's last activity on the site. At the end of this regulatory data retention period, the data allowing the identification of the user is anonymized: Name, first name, email and user name.

Uses of Cookies

Certain information is collected by means of cookies - small text files placed on your computer which store information about you and which can be consulted by the site.

A cookie does not allow us to identify you. In general, it records information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site - the pages you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc. that we can read during your subsequent visits. In this case, it contains the information you provided. Thus, during your next visit; you will not need to fill out proposed forms repetitively.

We inform you that you can oppose the registration of cookies. Most browsers provide instructions for refusing them in the Help section of the toolbar. The configuration of the navigation software makes it possible to inform of the presence of cookie and possibly to refuse it in the manner described at the following address: If you refuse our cookies, some functions and features of the site may not work properly.

External services

The site may provide access to links to other sites published by other content providers. These other sites are not under our control, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the collection and use of your information by such sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of each site you visit and use.

Hosting, storage and security

The site is hosted on the Amazon Web Services cloud in France and operated by MOOCit SAS. It is based on Open edX technology.

Data archiving is set up at regular intervals in accordance with the confidentiality policy. At the end of the legal data retention period, the latter are anonymized.